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Retirement Planning

Retirement is one of those pleasant stages of life that is special in its own way. It's the time when you bid farewell to the rat race of work and welcome a period of leisure, hobbies, travel, and family time. However, it also calls into question the resources required to support the current way of life, children's education, realisation of unfulfilled dreams, and medical costs. Many people aspire to start their own business venture or contribute to social services. Regardless of how you envision your retired life, retirement planning is essential to making it stable and enjoyable.

Once you retire, your income stops but the expenditure does not. You need continuous cash flow to maintain the present lifestyle and be financially independent. Retirement planning involves determining your retirement goals and building strategies to fund them. It basically means preparing for your retired life. It deals with questions like how much you need to save today? How much can you consider investing? Where can you invest? What amount will get accumulated in the forthcoming years? Will it be enough to sustain you? etc.

Benefits of retirement planning:

Makes you financially independent

Helps you achieve your dreams

Provides for your family’s requirements

Keeps you prepared for emergencies

Maintains your standard of living

How can Poshway help you in retirement planning?

When it comes to financial matters, it becomes inevitable to pursue a trusted institute that holds significant experience and expertise in the field. Poshway offers 15+ years of experience in the financial sector. Throughout our tenure, we have earned the trust of our clients owing to our client-centric approach and utmost confidentiality. Our qualified experts endeavour to provide sound financial solutions to the clients by leveraging their in-depth knowledge in the domain. With our advanced technology, unmatched skills and updated information base we devise retirement plans that ensure continuous flow of income resulting in a secured retired life.

We help you identify your retirement goals, distinguish priorities and wishes and study your current investment and saving patterns to provide a customised roadmap so that you lead an independent, secure and fulfilling retired life. Our team of experts stay attuned with the changing economy and understand the savings and investment strategies to choose the best-suited plans for you that are in sync with your specific requirements. Along with income plans, we also advise you about asset management, estate planning and insurance.

The advantages of having Poshway as your retirement planning advisor are as follows:

  • Personalised plans
  • Customer-centric approach
  • Expert solutions
  • Guaranteed confidentiality
  • All-comprehensive retirement support
  • Advanced technology

Poshway assists you in building robust retirement plans so that you can make the most of your golden days of life and achieve all that you have envisioned.

  • Understand

    Retirement is a wonderful point of time in life where you can touch upon your hidden dreams, aspirations and hobbies. It was traditionally misunderstood as a dry phase of life where you stop working and become dependent on others but not anymore. People now have well-defined retirement goals. It can include travelling, pursuing interests, starting a business, etc. Besides these, it is also important to save enough to continue to maintain present standards of living and setting aside enough funds for necessities like children’s education, medical emergencies, unforeseen circumstances, bills, etc.

    In this first step, we get to know your retirement vision, vital needs and current lifestyle. It might be intimidating to discover your ambitions but with our standardised set of questions we enable you to identify them with ease. We also procure insights about your current savings and investing strategies to design better plans.

    Step 1

  • Analyse

    Next, we undertake an extensive analysis of your objectives and investigate suitable savings and investing mechanisms. There are numerous retirement schemes like annuity and savings plans and employer-sponsored incentives. Financial plans also depend on the time left for retirement and income and expenditure norms. We ponder on all these aspects and outline the most appropriate strategies. Our experts study market dynamics to craft plans that meet high accuracy standards.

    Step 2

  • Formulate

    All the gathered information and suggested strategies are laid down in the form of a plan in a clear and comprehensible manner. The needs, wants and desires are classified and the income flow to achieve them is mentioned in detail.

    Step 3

  • Consultation

    A consultation session is held with the client to explain the plan elaborately. The suggested investing, savings and insurance schemes are elucidated. The clients can clarify their doubts and queries and discuss further assistance if needed.

    Step 4

  • Continuous support

    We own our clients' vision and maintain a relationship of trust and support with them. Our team checks your investments and savings regularly and advises adjustments if required. There is no perfect time to begin retirement planning. The golden rule is that the earlier you start the more you will be able to save and generate. With the myriad of retirement options available, it is common to get confused about which ones to pick for a well-crafted retirement plan.

    Step 5

Poshway constructs intelligent and personalised retirement plans by leveraging the power of its immense experience and deft skills so that you proceed towards the beautiful phase of retirement with joy, confidence and security.